Connecting for Global Grants
We are connecting Rotarians from all the Rotary world to partner online with live . We will show live how to find your partner and your money. So please list your grant on and also on our partners Google sheet and join us on our ongoing project Fair every third Tuesday of each month
Rotarians in District 5300 are all invited to join our fair and find the opportunities to adopt a project of your passion or find a partner to do a global grant in our communities. Connect live. Use your laptop, tablet or phone and join us and meet Rotarians and Rotaractors from across the world. We know that we cannot travel to other countries but we can bring in other countries to us through our connections in our Rotary family.
Time: Aug 18, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Global Grants Information Spreadsheet
More information: Chehab Elawar