Job Creation-Entrepreneurship

Job Creation is the key to economic prosperity……
A New Area Of Focus By the Rotary Foundation To Eradicate Poverty:
A $40,000 Global Grant enables us to impact -2,000 university students per year-$20 each….

  • NigerianBusinessPlanClass11,000 University Students in Nigeria have been taught to write Business Plans by a Team of 4 from SGV.
  • Nigerian-American Sarah Philips, Rancho-Cucamonga Rotary, is our point person. Formerly Chief Legislative Officer of Kaduna State. She gets things done!
  • You can send a person to participate on this team, then take responsibility elsewhere next year, maybe in a land of heritage. We’ll teach you.

Nigerian Business Plan Class

Projects completed in Armenia, Lebanon, Israel (Nazareth), Uganda, Zambia, Mexico, American Indians –Underway in Nigeria, Mexico (Corazon) & Tanzania (next)…. For a $30,000 Grant we need $10,000 matching -how about 10 Clubs X $1,000 to get another project in place?…..Can your club support?


Develop a Strategic or Business Plan

  • Choose a school –maybe one with Interactor Rotaract
  • Select a curriculum –JA, Making a Job
  • Plan on 10 class periods
  • Meet with school authority or teacher
  • Train teachers to teach the curriculum
  • Offer Rotary mentors to the teachers

New Generation Youth Are Creating Jobs:

  • A survey in Sweden of youth 10 years after a high school JA Company class showed that 23%, or about 1 in 5, had actually formed a business.
  • But each new business also hired on average 4 employees -thus 5 jobs were created.
  • For every 100 youth that were taught entrepreneurship, 100 jobs resulted!
  • Pursue Job Creation in your community’s schools as well as Internationally. American Indian youth also offer great opportunities.

Business & Strategic Plan Development & Entrepreneur Mentorship

  • Recruit a leader and team. Involve Rotaractors and Interactors.
  • Publicize widely that Rotary is pushing to Create JOBS for New Generations.
  • Recruit new Members to participate.
  • Business Savvy Rotarians can make a difference in creating jobs and more importantly‘Entrepreneurs’.

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District Calendar

AG On Line Zoom Meeting
October 30th 2024
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Club Intent to Participate RYLA 2025
October 31st 2024
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DG Official Visit - Alhambra and Monterey Park
November 5th 2024
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Rotary Action Plan
November 5th 2024
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Rotary Action Plan
November 6th 2024
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DG Official Visit - Covina
November 7th 2024
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District Budget and Finance Committee On Line Zoom Call
November 8th 2024
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Rotary Action Plan
November 8th 2024
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District Board of Directors On Line Meeting
November 8th 2024
More info

The Highlighter and Quicknotes