Rotary District 5300 Disaster Relief

Message from the Governor,

Fellow Rotarians and friends, thank you for a wonderful year, you are all to be commended. It has been a privilege for Hazel and I to have served as your Governor and First Lady this year. You each have done your part in accomplishing the overarching goals we set forth for the year, “to have fun while serving humanity”. The hard work of our Conference Committee and its indefatigable Chair, successfully contributed to the fun of getting to know each other, learning more about Rotary, and finding out how you can further contribute to the effort. We look forward to seeing you at future district events. We are honored to have served you.

Luciano & Hazel DeSylva

A message from the Conference Chair

I want to thank each of you that took the time to write a personal note and email it to me. I awoke Monday morning to 213 emails from attendees. My first response was “oh no”. However, to my delight the emails were filled with your personal adventures at conference and many thank you’s to the district conference committee. It makes me proud to know you see the true team effort needed to pull off an event of this size. I will share the many well wishes and congratulations sent and will be personally responding to all of you one email at a time.  You brought your fun, you talked with strangers, made new friends, shared ideas, danced, welcomed first time attendees, helped with the hands on project, and showcased the work you have done in your local communities and the world. You are truly the inspiration and magic that created a conference to remember – Thank you all so very very much! Our hearts runneth over.

Lu Arredondo, Conference Chair

Special Thank You

We would like to send one more round of special thank you’s to all those that made the conference possible and worked tirelessly behind the scenes. You are appreciated more than you can possibly imagine. We could not have done it without you!

Planning Team
Governor Luciano DeSylva
PDG Roger Schulte – Conference Advisor, Foundation Dinner, Photographer
Chair, Lu Arredondo
DGE Raghada Khoury – Aide to chair
Kari Anderson – Facilities Support
Linda Bertuzzi – General support
Patrick Carlton – Protocol
Michael Driebe – MC
Roger Gutierrez – Aide to Bonnie St. John, Conferene Operations
Hassan Kheradmandan – Operations Support
MaryAnn Lutz – Breakout sessions chair
Debbie Mitsch – Awards chair
PDG Miles Petroff – Aide to RI Rep
Larry Skaggs – Sergeant-At-Arms chair
Mike Soden – Registration chair
Joseph Vlietstra – Flags

Friday Foundation Birthday Celebration
PDG Roger Schulte – chair
Paulette Schulte
Frank Griffith
Frank Griffith
Marlene Griffith

Birthday Cake Hospitality Host
Pahrump Rotary Club

Breakout Session Moderators
PDG Randy Pote – Tarnished Brass
Dennis Franklin – Leadership
Drexel Smith – International Projects
Michael Driebe – Foundation
PDG Tom Novotny – Business Session
Roger Gutierrez – Public Relations
Ken Stickney – Membership
Jason Lamoreaux – Community Service, Youth, Vocation
David Mans – Youth Chair
Ray Carlson – Vocation
Denise Wadsworth – Vocation
David Thorson – Memorial Service

Hands On Project
Trish Johnson (spouse of President Dwight Johnson)
DGE Raghada Khoury

PDG support with pledge, inspiration, breakouts, and changing of the guard
DGE Raghada Khoury
PDG Randy Pote 2015-2016
PDG Larry Skaggs 2014-2015
PDG Miles Petroff 2013-2014
PDG Sylvia Whitlock 2012-2013
PDG Doug Fowler 2011-2012
PDG Roger Schulte 2010-2011
PDG Tom Novotny 2009-2010
PDG Roy York 2004-2005
PDG Barbar Risher Welch 2003-2004
PDG Margaret Cooker 2001-2002
PDG Garbis Der-Yeghian 1999-2000
PDG PDG Steve Garrett 1994-1995
PDG Gerald Tambe 1989-1990

Piano during meals and Music Competition
Ross Jutsum

Rotary Four-Way Test Speech Contest
Ted Ebenkamp

AV Specialist
Sean O’Donohue

PDG Larry Skaggs, chair
Roger Gutierrez
Robert Bridel
Dawn Green
Patrick Carlton
Gary Boyer
Bob Hulshouser

Pictures and More